May Club Meeting

Angelo's Pizza Burien 601 SW 153rd Street, Burien, Washington, United States

Our resident marine biologist and award winning underwater photographer, Ed Gullekson will answer, What's That Fish? And give you the lowdown on how to identify many of the critters you see during your local dives.

Swap Meet

Kirkland Women's Club 407 First Street, Kirkland, Washington, United States

SCUBA Swap Meet, co-sponsored with Marker Buoy Dive Club.

All SeaHorse and MarkerBuoy members! Bring your surplus dive gear to this event to buy, sell or trade, as your "Yankee" commercial sense dictates.

Reid Harbor Rendezvous 2024

The Reid Harbor Rendezvous is an annual event where The SeaHorses load up their boats with tanks and journey north, almost to Canada, to enjoy 3 days of spectacular diving in the north San Juan Islands near beautiful Reid Harbor, Stewart Island Marine State Park.